Let me take this opportunity to pass my warm regards to the practicing professionals in their various service stations. As a Board our service is mainly to the professionals in Private practice, public service, academic institutions, research organizations and the general public whose interest we are required to guard. Our mandate is well stipulated in law and in our day to day operation, we may appear to be overzealous when working for the public good. As we offer this service we are also cognizant of the fact that the rules of natural justice that stipulate that some fair play prevails are also observed all be it being seen as dragging our feet in making some decisions.
We Plan to foster closer liaison with other agencies in the region, nationally and in the counties. This will assist in the fulfillment of the Boards mandate as detailed in CAP525. This includes recognition of achievements; promotion of articled pupilage; encouragement of expansion of training opportunities; accreditation of training programs; establishment of research and training institutions; strengthening and devolution of regulatory mechanisms; promotion of fair and transparent procurement of professional services; enforcement of ethical practices; promotion and adoption of innovative professional practices; promotion of sustainable use of Board resources and enhancement of the image of BORAQS.
In response to the challenges brought about by the Covid 19 pandemic, the Board embarked on modified ways of delivery of its services to cope. This has included but not limited to hybrid seminars, virtual short courses and even digital filing of logbooks by the professional examination candidates. These are just some of the efforts that we are making to improve on the service delivery. The feed back so far has been very positive.
In the recent past we have had the unfortunate cases of Building collapsing, professionals being hauled into police stations to records statements about their involvement if any in the process. Little progress has been achieved if any along this line .As part of the earlier advise given to the practitioners, it is still important to have your engagement documentation right and clear terms of reference in the appointment details drafted by either yourself if not your advocate. Further the point of exit or discharge must be clear if one is to avoid blanket blame in the event of failure when your involvement was discontinued all together.
I wish to commend the majority of Architects and Quantity Surveyors that offer their services to our people. It is in the same light that I commend most of our clients that have observed the laid down protocols and honored their obligations by settling the fee notes presented. It’s important to reiterate the fact that ours is a service industry and We offer this service for a fee in order to earn a living. However, there are a few of us that have taken to the malpractice of stamping documents for unqualified people. All I need to remind them is that there will be no escape from liability when eventually there is any mishap. Some of our client organizations have also taken to this and are hiding behind emerging procurement laws and are pushing the professionals into the brink. Please note that the laws that govern and regulate these two professions exist and it shall soon catch up with them. Finally lets all join hands together and offer the services to our people without fear or favor. My office remains open to suggestions on the best approach for these two professions.
QS. George C. Omondi,